CoE for global PEP Business Challenge US Legislations requires businesses to identify and track their revenue earned directly or indirectly from cannabis / Marijuana related business sources A comprehensive and accurate data asset was required to monitor and report the transactions with entities earning revenues from marijuana related business Solutions Capturing information from about 275 […]
Source of Wealth (SoW) remediation exercise as part of its AML compliance program Business Challenge A US based bank with significant customers in Latin America wanted to remediate the source of 5000+ customers from over 100 countries Solutions Conducted Source of Wealth remediation exercise solutions Memos included identification and analysis of the source of wealth […]
KYC Due-diligence post acquisition of a bank Business Challenge Integration of processes and compliance with US KYC regulations post a significant Hedge Fund acquisition Solutions We developed the project plan; communicated and obtained the buy-ins from all locations Conducted background checks and delivered a Customer Risk Matrix summarizing the percentages of customers at different levels […]