Policies & Guidelines
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- Policies & Guidelines
This section provides information regarding our ethical framework. It draws on our shared values and builds on our vision and mission
- Business Integrity
We are committed to conduct business in accordance with the highest ethical standards and comply with all the laws, regulations and standards that are applicable in our professional conduct. We uphold the reputation of Sullivan & Bailey and do not misrepresent the position that the organization takes in a professional matter.
1.1. Anti-Bribery
We do not tolerate corruption or bribery in any form and strictly adhere to all applicable anti-corruption laws, including but not limited to the Prevention of Corruption Act, U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the UK Bribery Act.
We neither offer nor accept anything of value whether directly or indirectly, to obtain or retain business, to influence decision making or to seek an undue advantage for our organization, associates or any third party.
1.2. Privacy and Data Protection
We respect and protect confidential data and information received from, or relating to the clients. We only share information when there is a business purpose and then do so in accordance with our policies, applicable laws and professional standards.
We promptly report any loss, theft or inappropriate disclosure of personal or confidential information in accordance with applicable laws.
We also take proactive measures in safeguarding documents, computers and any other data devices that contain personal or confidential data about our clients.
We strictly comply with the insider trading laws and responsibly handle unpublished sensitive information of the clients.
We ensure the responsible use of social media and technology
1.3. Grievance Mechanism
We uphold a strong commitment to acting ethically and lawfully. And to comply with that we encourage our employees to raise concerns against any act in violation of our policies or laws.
We ensure complete transparency in grievance redressal and maintain the anonymity of the complainant. We also take strong actions to protect them against any retaliatory action.
1.4. Anti-tax evasion and anti-facilitation of tax evasion
We have a zero-tolerance approach to all forms of tax evasion, whether under Indian law or any foreign country. Employees and persons associated with Sullivan and Bailey must at all times adhere to the anti-tax evasion and anti-facilitation of tax evasion policy.
We adopt, maintain and implement reasonable processes to prevent such conduct. It is not acceptable for employees to:
- Engaging in any form of tax evasion or unlawful tax avoidance
- Aid, abet, counsel or procure the commission of tax evasion by another person
- Fail to promptly report any request or demand from any third party to facilitate the fraudulent evasion of tax by another person
- Labour and Human Rights:
We recognize our responsibility to protect labour and human rights at our workplaces. We are committed to adhering to Labour and human rights as depicted under Indian Labour laws, Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Labour Organization (ILO) conventions.
2.1. Wages and Benefits
Human resources are one of the most valued assets for Sullivan & Bailey and as a result, we believe in competitive pay for our employees to ensure the success of the company. We ensure that the compensation of our employees meets or exceeds the requirements of local laws.
The Company’s approach to compensation is based on the ethos of meritocracy and fairness. The Company follows the cost to company approach while determining the compensation structure. The output from the performance management system and talent management system serve as the inputs for the administration of the Compensation Policy.
The compensation structure is reviewed periodically based on market trends and the Company strategy.
2.2. Working Hours
We believe that a better work-life balance drives higher productivity amongst our employees. We ensure that our workforce is not overburdened with excess work and refrain from working overtime.
We abide by the local legislation concerning the maximum number of working hours, the number of working days per week etc.
2.3. Slavery, Forced Labour and Human Trafficking
Sullivan & Bailey does not tolerate slavery, forced Labour, or human trafficking in any form and will not knowingly work with organizations that are engaged in these practices. We fully comply with the requirements of all applicable laws against slavery, forced labour and human trafficking.
We do not engage in practices associated with forced Labour. These practices, identified by the International Labour Organization (ILO), include withholding of wages, retention of identity documents, and restriction of movement.
We also strive to ensure that workers are not exploited by third-party labour providers, such as recruiters or agencies. Additionally, we do not engage in or support human trafficking and are encouraged to implement due diligence measures to ensure that no human trafficking exists within our extended supply chains.
2.4. Respect, Inclusion and Non-discrimination
We have a zero-tolerance approach against any discrimination activities by the employees. We encourage onboarding diverse teams to increase cohesiveness amongst the employees and avoid any discrimination.
Any act of discrimination, harassment, victimization or any other form of inappropriate behaviour or abuse by the employee on any grounds including but not limited to age, gender, ethnic or social origin, disability, race, sexual orientation, marital status, political convictions, religious beliefs is taken seriously and disciplinary action is taken against such employee.
We strive to maintain a workplace where diversity is appreciated and any discriminatory acts are discouraged timely.
2.5. Safe and Healthy Work Environment
We ensure a safe and healthy working environment for our workforce that minimizes health and safety risks and supports accident prevention and ensures the health and safety of all personnel and all others affected by their activities.
We also ensure that the workplace has adequate fire safety measures and emergency exits. The emergency drills are conducted periodically to ensure preparedness against such mishaps.
We adhere to all applicable laws related to the health, safety and welfare of the workforce.
2.6. Sanitation and Food
Against the backdrop of the pandemic, we strictly ensure that our workplaces are properly sanitized and are hygienic for the use of our employees. We take the safety of our employees seriously and as a result, we have a world-class infrastructure equipped with cafeterias, recreation rooms and clean washrooms.
- Diversity and Inclusion:
Sullivan & Baliey believes that diversity is a social and economic imperative and is committed to taking proactive steps to provide everyone with the opportunity to compete on a fair and equal basis.
We strive to maintain a healthy gender ratio, zero gender pay gap and equal opportunity for all.
- Environmental Stewardship:
We are strongly committed to reduce our carbon footprints and work in an energy-efficient, eco-friendly manner. We implement processes to identify and manage the risks and opportunities related to climate change and water.
4.1. Energy & Environmental
We aim to track, manage, and mitigate the environmental impact of our operations and strategies, including those of our suppliers. We also take into consideration how we will mitigate the impact of climate change into our strategies and business resiliency plans.
4.2. Water
We take necessary steps to conserve, reduce the use of and reuse water as much as possible. We also strive to manage our water resources to ensure that our operations do not prevent access to sufficient safe water for all users in surrounding communities, including those both up and downstream from our facilities.
4.3. Waste
We are committed to taking concrete steps to minimize or eliminate waste across all our work locations and adopting efficient waste disposal avenues to decrease carbon footprints. We also insist our employees on reducing paper-usage.
- Management Systems & Governance:
Effective management systems and governance is the foundation of Sullivan & Bailey’s performance and sustainability. We have implemented the processes for the identification and proactive mitigation of risks, as well as a process for ongoing monitoring and review of risk controls, and prompt and accurate reporting of all incidents.
We comply with the quality management standard requirements of ISO 9001:2015 to ensure the robustness of our management & governance systems.